Multicultural Travelling

You will spend the remaining time of the class working on your unit project. To do so, again, follow this structure:

Hello, everybody!

Let's spend the first few minutes of the lesson working on grammar. We have been looking at relative clauses, so... guess what! You'll be doing some work on them today!

 Please follow the links to do so:

You will spend the remaining time of the class working on your unit project. To do so, again, follow this structure:

a) 5 minutes: look for a city that you would like to visit. It must be a very multicultural city. These links may help you:

b) 5 minutes: look for plane tickets and a hotel for seven nights

c) 10 minutes: look for 3 museums/sites related to multiculturalism or diversity

d) 20 minutes: make a PowerPoint/Prezi/any other resource you like/ presentation**


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